You should make an appointment to see the Council’s Homelessness and Housing Advice Service completing their
Housing Assistance Referral Portal. Alternatively call 01462 474000 or email: The service is free, impartial and confidential.
They will work with you to try to prevent you becoming homeless and will discuss your housing options with you. If this is unsuccessful, and you meet the homelessness legal requirements, you may be offered temporary housing.
If the Council accept a homeless duty, they will use the Home4U scheme to look for an appropriate property as your permanent home, subject to you qualifying to be placed on the Common Housing Register
Homeless households accepted by NHDC for a main housing duty have a one month period after the duty is accepted in which to exercise choice over the properties they bid for and the area in which they would like to live. After this time, if the applicant has not been successful in securing a property, staff bids will be placed on the applicant’s behalf for social housing vacancies.
Alternatively, the household may be offered a tenancy in the private rented sector.
If the offer is refused you may not be given another one and the Council may not assist you further. You will have to leave your temporary accommodation and find your own home.