Adverts, Viewings & Offers
The adverts
Will give you information about each property available for letting. We will include a photograph if available. You can bid for up to three properties in each bidding cycle.
Viewings and Offers.
At the end of the bid period we put all bids for each property in points order, for Band A applicants, then in points order for Band B applicants etc. We call this our ‘shortlist’ for the property. If two people in the same band have the same number of points, the person who has been registered the longest is put first.
The Teams carry out all the necessary eligibility checks to make sure that people are entitled to bid for that size of property, are eligible to be on the Common Housing Register and do not have rent arrears.
We will invite the top bidders from each shortlist to view the property, usually during the week following the close of bids.
If you bid you should be ready to view it at short notice.
If you are an existing tenant you may be visited to advise you on how to leave your home before you are offered a new property.
If the person who was top of the shortlist refuses the property, we then offer it to the next person on the list, and so on.
Most Registered Providers aim to re-let most empty properties inside 3 weeks. If you are a successful bidder you need to be prepared to move quickly.